Seeds is essentially an Easter musical, but it works all year long. A charming, funny script and wonderful songs teach the lessons of the important of rebirth and growth as various kinds of seeds blow, float and hitchhike (reflecting how different kinds of seeds actually travel) into a gully where they are greeted by and then cared for by worms,whose job it is to prepare the soil and teach the seedlings about their calling. Temptations, mistakes, danger, and salvation drive the story to its conclusion when the seeds finally awaken in the spring to discover how complex and beautiful they are becoming.
- You'll need at least 18 cast members, with room for many more.
- It runs about one hour.
- Seven delightful, original songs.
What you are buying: With either purchase you have the right to reproduce the scripts and burn Cds or otherwise transfer the music files as much as you need to for your performance. The license for this is good for your church only, for as many many performances as you would like.
What you can expect form our musicals:
- All plays work beautifully with either a kids-only cast or intergenerationally!
- Great prices! Only $49.95 per show, inclusive-nothing else to buy.
- Price includes royalty and permission to copy the script, and burn CDs of the accompaniment tracks.
- You'll download script, recordings of the songs with voices, and performance tracks.
- It's all digital--you download everything form our web site-it's really easy, and we'll help you!
- Or we'll ship you a script and CD's for $69.95
- Wonderful, original music and funny, meaningful, memorable scripts.
- Lots of fun with great characters and gentle (yet still hilarious) humor.