Children's Worship Bulletins

Children's Worship Bulletins Now available! Individual, undated issues by passage or theme! CLICK HERE

Kids and parents love them. You will too, because they are:

Our Bulletins are fun, Biblically sound, with great illustrations, activities, and writing.

• Subscribe to lectionary-based editions, or buy individual issues.
• Use during services, or
• As a warm-up as kids arrive at Sunday school.
• For Children's church, CCD, or evening programs.
• Make as many copies as you need!
• As a take-home paper to reinforce lessons.
• Include in church newsletters or Sunday bulletins.

Subscribe for less than two dollars a week for both age levels!

Kidsword is used by
Nearly every denomination and non denomination you could name, form Catholic to independent Evangelical churches. You can order based on the Catholic or Revised Common Lectionaries, or by passage or theme.

    Children's Worship Bulletins Grades 3/4-6

    Children's Worship Bulletins Grades K-3